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Niimbot Printer Client


Recommended method is to use poetry and install with poetry install. However requirements.txt is also provided for convenience.

Project is tested on Python 3.11, but should work on other versions.


Just run niimprint --help

  • TT14*50 is prone to overfeeding. Roll it for 1.5mm back after each printed label.
  • «Bubble B» stickers have variable dimensions and colors (green, blue, teal, pink, yellow — in that order). Be careful with layouts.
  • Almost all stickers have rounded corners, count it when designing layouts.
  • Note that different print densities will vary the pixel size, so count at least 2-5 pixels from the edges to avoid clipping.
  • Always use good dithering (Floyd-Steinberg, Sierra, Burkes) for grayscale images.


B21, USB connection, 30x15 mm (240x120 px) label

python niimprint -c usb -a /dev/ttyACM0 -r 90 -i examples/B21_30x15mm_240x120px.png

B21, Bluetooth connection, 80x50 mm (640x384 px) label

python niimprint -c bluetooth -a "E2:E1:08:03:09:87" -r 90 -i examples/B21_80x50mm_640x384px.png

USB connection

For USB connection, you can omit the --addr argument and let the script auto-detect the serial port. However, it will fail if there're multiple available ports.

On linux, serial ports can be found at /dev/ttyUSB*, /dev/ttyACM* or /dev/serial/*. On windows, they will be named like COM1, COM2 etc. Check the device manager to choose the correct one.

Bluetooth connection

It seems like B21 (and maybe other models?) has two bluetooth addresses. For me, they start with C2:E1 and E2:E1 respectively.

Double-check bluetooth address

Connection works only if you disconnect from C2:E1 and connect to E2:E1.

Also after connecting to E2:E1 via bluetoothctl I always get org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable br-connection-profile-unavailable error, but printing works fine regardless.